
God-given choices become increasingly difficult

作者: Pastor Sun | 9月 16th, 2024


Matthew 10:37-39 NIV 37 “Anyone who loves their father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves their son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. 38 Whoever does not take up their cross and follow me is not worthy of me. 39 Whoever finds their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life for my sake will find it.


In 1995, because God provided a great job opportunity and we clearly felt it was a path He opened for us, our family moved from our beloved hometown in Michigan to neighboring Ohio. It was only a little over a three-hour drive, so we could go back home whenever we felt homesick. Although it wasn't an easy choice, we decided to move by God's grace. At that time, the church we attended was under construction and without a pastor, so we learned to serve alongside the congregation, facing challenges like hiring a pastor, building the church, and discipleship training. This was a time of training and learning for us, preparing us for even more difficult choices. In 2000, under God's guidance and arrangement, we returned to Michigan for another level of training to equip us for more challenging decisions. In 2010, amidst a global economic downturn, God presented me with two job options. Staying with my current company meant staying in our hometown and continuing a comfortable but spiritually stagnant life. The other opportunity required uprooting and moving to Virginia on the East Coast, a place far from home where we knew no one. However, it offered a stepping stone to return to seminary, complete my degree, and serve full-time. This decision was even more difficult than the first. In 2012, God granted us the opportunity to become full-time ministers in a church, requiring us to leave a good job and move to expensive California, adding another layer of difficulty. Yet, throughout this journey of moving around, we experienced grace that could only be encountered through these choices, deeply realizing that we are loved by God. The choices God gave us were blessed opportunities. The apostle Paul said, 'No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it' (1 Corinthians 10:13). We should thank God for increasingly difficult choices because they reflect His assessment of our spiritual life. The scripture we read today deepens the difficulty of the choices Jesus wants believers to make. Choosing between family and Jesus is already challenging (Matthew 10:37), but Jesus Christ wants believers to make the right choice between their own lives and Him. Taking up one's cross means only one outcome—being crucified on it. This is a choice between life and death. Choosing not to die leads to 'eternal death,' while choosing to die results in 'eternal life' (Matthew 10:39). There is no gray area, no option to straddle both paths. God wants our whole being to be dedicated to Him, and He promises to bless true believers who make such choices. I believe the choices God wants us to make are not over yet. Before we leave this temporary, transient life, He wants us to continue experiencing His grace and blessings, closely following Him and being sensitive to His guidance. Every day we make many choices; do we choose Jesus? Do His words influence our decisions?"

